Rocketeers Recognized: James Hong, Enterprise Account Executive

In our latest edition of Rocketeers Recognized, James shares his life and career stories, that are both relatable and inspiring. He talks about his dual citizenship and unique previous jobs like being a Sushi Chef and Sailing Instructor, showing his diverse interests. Despite being an introvert, James enjoys social interactions, adding depth to his personality. And his professional journey, marked by empathy and a passion for adapting, showcases a career built on versatility and heart. 



What three words would your friends use to describe you? 

  1. Funny 
  2. Considerate 
  3. Dependable 

What is a fun or interesting fact about yourself? 

  1. I have both American and French citizenship.  
  2. I have worked as a Sushi Chef and Sailing Instructor.

Morning or evening routine? 

Morning – Been a huge proponent of cold showers. It’s a cheat code for the day! 

If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? 

Purchase revenue generating properties and live off the revenue.  

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off? 

Take my kids somewhere where they can experience something new. Ie. Waterparks, Amusement parks, zoos, etc.  

Would you say you’re more of an extrovert or an introvert? 

Huge introvert. I am very shy. Most people would not believe that. Public events take a lot of energy away from me but I do love having conversations and meeting new people. Very weird for an introvert. Pandemic was actually okay with me as I did not mind being stuck at home with my family.  

What’s your favorite quote from a TV show/movie/book? 

  1. “Get busy living or get busy dying” – Shawshank Redemption 
  2. “If you want massive change, you need to take massive action” -Tony Robbins 

What’s your game plan in a zombie apocalypse? 

Setup a fortress at a Home Depot or supermarket.  

What’s your favorite story to tell about your past? 

In college, I wanted to experience new things all the time. When it came to taking a PE course, everyone took surfing. I wanted to go against the grain and ended up taking Sailing. I loved it so much that I obtained certifications to become an instructor for the very class that started my passion for it. It ended up paying my way through college and a unique skill I never thought I would have growing up.  

If you could only eat one dish for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

Sushi. I can eat a ton of it but never feel heavy or sluggish.  

What food have you tried that was the furthest from your comfort zone? 

It is very difficult to find a food that will challenge me. I am always up for trying new food and new flavor profiles.  

What’s one song you have completely memorized? 

Not a song but I pretty much know every line to Shawshank Redemption and My Cousin Vinny.  

What’s your most used emoji? 

Thumbs Up; its one button shorter than “OK” 


What was your first job? 

Victoria’s Secret Beauty as a Sales Rep in the mall. It really showed me that I had an ability for sales knowing that I could sell items I did not even use. It taught me a lot about business.  

What was your favorite subject in high school or college? 

Math and History. History was a lot of story telling. Math always had one defined answer with no in between.  

What originally got you interested in your current field of work? 

Being compensated based on results and not time interests me.  

Briefly describe your career prior to BID? 

After 5 years in tech, I decided to become a bartender. It was a very fun job that allowed my introvert self to meet people. It allowed me to be creative while being a part of laughter everyday. Everyday of my bartending job was someone elses celebration.  

What is your go-to work productivity hack? 

Putting things on the calendar! Making time for what you need to do! I’ve learned this needs to be for personal time as well.  

What behavior or personality trait do you most attribute to your success and why? 

Empathy. This is something I have always practiced even when I was a young child. Knowing what it is like to be in someone else shoes, allows me to sympathize and relate to other people. I often put myself last because I care of how other people feel.  

What qualities do you look for in a boss? 

A very strong showing of being invested in my success, business and personal. Someone who is willing to teach me and spend their time with me to see my growth. Someone who will notice my growth because of their involvement.  

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever heard? 

Show value 

What advice would you give to your younger self, from a professional perspective? 

Find a passion and never let it go. Dedicate your life to learning it no matter what. 

If you could change one thing about your job, what would it be? 

Close-Lost deals 

What’s the career highlight you’re most proud of? 

Making difficult decisions to veer my career in different directions. Understanding that massive change requires massive action.  

What’s the biggest misconception people have about your position? 

Biggest misconception is we are trying to sell things people do not want and that we are similar to the person at the mall trying to sell you perfume you do not need. Every Customer we speak to has accepted our invitation. This means, every Customer has stepped into the store, which means they do want to listen to our offerings.  

What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on? 

Time management and better technical understanding to help learn more of what our Customer’s challenges are.  

What’s different about BID’s culture versus other companies you’ve worked at? 

BID really does have an open door policy. I have been able to slack every person in Leadership to ask for guidance and share ideas. Most companies say they have an open door policy but rarely do you see it practiced. No one in our Leadership has every denied assisting me. Also, the relationships built while working remote is amazing. There are people I have worked with that I meet for the first time in person and a hug is normal because we work so hard together.  


If you’d like to join James and hundreds of other motivated BeyondID Rocketeers, check out our open positions.

Picture of Erin Moore
Erin Moore

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