People First

Love ya, mean it! But do they feel it?


Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you know that the talent war is fierce and unlikely to shift anytime soon.  This is definitely the case in the Managed Identity Services business – business is booming, and the people know it.  So, what are you doing about it?  If you’re just throwing money at the problem, you’re likely not making much progress. Why, you ask?  It’s because your Employees, your Talent, your Resources are People first.


Take that in and read it again.  Employees are People.


Yes, your employees want to be paid fairly, we all do, but statistics show that if their fundamental monetary needs are met, people want more than money…. they want a connection to something bigger.  People want a purpose.  People want social interaction.  People want to grow and learn and teach.  People want to connect with other people on a deeper level than water cooler talk of days gone by.


Enter the People Experience.


Companies tend to focus heavily on an excellent Client Experience for their clients and an excellent Candidate Experience during the recruiting phase of the employee lifecycle; but how many are focused on the People Experience of their existing people?  I can say after over 2 decades of doing this, not enough.


I was told long ago during my first job out of college that a company’s greatest asset walks out the door every night and my CEO at the time said it was his job to make sure we wanted to come back the next day.  He was so right…and intentional about it.  Having an intentional People Experience is essential to maintain a healthy culture and positive bottom line of the business.  Happy People = Happy Clients = Happy Stakeholders. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving.


Here are some guiding principles on how to build an amazing People Experience for your people:


  • Do The Right Thing

It’s been said that the harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing.  No one said it would be easy – but if it was, everyone would be doing it.


  • Do The Best You Can

Maya Angelou said it best “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”


  • Show Other People That You Care

Don’t tell them, show them you care.  Actions will always speak louder than words.


  • Play Above the Line

This is non-negotiable.  It’s about ownership, accountability, and responsibility.


  • Be Coachable

In the end, we are all learners.  Even when you’re the coach, be coachable; no one knows it all.


Here at BeyondID we believe in offering every person with whom we interact an exceptional People Experience.  This allows us to not only provide the best experience to our employees and candidates, but also to our clients and partners.   Like I said, business is booming in Managed Identity Services, we need to make sure we take care of our #1 asset, our people.


So, what are you waiting for?  Your people want to feel the love.  Show them you care.

Picture of Kitty Hearney
Kitty Hearney

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